Our Need for Rest

April 25, 2021 • Gregg Parris • Mark 3:1–6, Matthew 11:29

Mark 3:1-6

The intent of the commandment – rest – is what is important.

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
Matthew 11:29

I. Rest from being hurt.

Rest gives our souls the time they need to heal.

II. Rest from heavy labors.

If we are to treat our bodies as temples, we must allow time for physical, mental, and spiritual recovery from the labors of the week.

III. Rest from the pace of the world.

Fast-paced lives leave less time for activities that build family and friendships.

IV. Rest from the speed of change.

V. Rest from the job.

Resting is even more necessary in uncertain times. It helps us remember that God is in control and that our identity is not dependent on the work we do.

VI. Rest from information.

We need rest from the deluge of information in order to discern what information is important and how we should respond.

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