Interfaith Hurricane Helene Relief Trip

This trip is sponsored by Interfaith@UNC. All students are welcome! **Registration Deadline is Monday, January 27.

February 7 - 10, 2025
35 spots remaining

**UNC Wesley Campus Ministry is handling the money for this trip. So, if you'd like to pay via cash, check, or venmo, enter promo code "VENMO" at checkout and either venmo @uncwesley (a business profile) or bring cash or a check to UNC Wesley Campus Ministry, 201 E. Rosemary St, Ste 100, Chapel Hill, NC 27243. If cost is the only thing keeping you from going, e-mail Wesley Campus Minister Ryan Spurrier ( to ask about scholarships. We'll make sure you can go.

In partnership with other campus ministries from Interfaith@UNC, we are headed to Hendersonville for a weekend of service. This trip will take the place of the retreat we often hold in February. We’ll still be building community and encountering God, but we’ll be doing it while serving our neighbors. 

The Lutheran Campus Pastor is lining up our service activities through Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR). Although LDR has not decided the exact work we will do, they are a highly regarded organization that will have plenty of meaningful work for us to do to support our neighbors affected by the hurricane. We’ll be staying at Camp Kanuga, a beautiful episcopal camp in the mountains.

We'll leave after class on Friday, February 7, and have you back to campus by mid afternoon on February 10.

Your $45 registration fee includes your lodging and meals while in Hendersonville. Meals while traveling to or from Hendersonville are on you.

Interfaith@UNC is comprised of the Cooperative Baptist Student Fellowship, Episcopal Campus Ministry, Hillel, Lutheran Campus Ministry, Muslim Students Association, Newman Catholic Center, Presbyterian Campus Ministry, and Wesley Campus Ministry.