Spring Break Hurricane Helene Relief Trip

Registration has closed. But, if you'd still like to go on the trip, e-mail Ryan (ryan@uncwesley.org). If we can get you a cot to sleep on and a car to ride in, we'll add you to the trip.

March 9 - 14, 2025

**To pay by Venmo, Cash, or Check, use the promo code "VENMO" at checkout and then either venmo $100 to @uncwesley (a business profile) or bring your cash or check to the Wesley Building (201 E. Rosemary St, Ste 100).

First things first, we are not leaving until after the Duke game, so you don’t have to worry about missing out. Sunday morning (March 9), we’ll head to Spruce Pine, NC, for a week of relief work coordinated by the North Carolina Conference Disaster Ministries. We’ll get back to Chapel Hill on Friday evening (March 14). 

This is work that we did for several years before the pandemic. Our contact, Jim Polhamus, is someone we have worked with on multiple trips and whom students always love. This is an opportunity to use your hands to help home owners get one step closer to getting back into their homes. Typically we work to get water damage out of homes so that they can dry out and then later be rebuilt—but it is possible that we may be asked to do some light construction. Either way, you don’t need any prior skills or experience; we’ll have people there to teach you.

The people we help on these trips are those who were not able to get help from either the government or insurance. If not for the church, it would be exceedingly difficult for them to repair their homes.

An extra feature of this trip is that a team of 4 from IMOFA is coming to be with us—both because they miss us and because their hearts have been with our state since the storm. Pastora Vydechka, Carmen, and the two Nancys. And, I just learned today that the Wesley group from the University of South Carolina might partner with us as well (So, let’s show them the real Carolina :-) ).