
Good Thinking

“We have the mind of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 2:16

September 18, 2017 • Bob Gass

In his book Thinking for a Change, Dr. John Maxwell gives us eleven different types of thinking; to each we’ve added a Scripture. (1) Big picture thinking—the ability to think beyond yourself is required in order to process ideas from a “faith” perspective (Ephesians 3:20).

(2) Focused thinking—the ability to think with clarity on issues by removing distractions and mental clutter (Philippians 3:13-14). (3) Creative thinking—the ability to break out of the box and explore ideas and options in order to experience a breakthrough (Isaiah 54:2-3).

(4) Realistic thinking—the ability to build a solid foundation on facts, to think with certainty (Luke 14:28). (5) Strategic thinking—the ability to implement plans that give direction for today and increase your potential for tomorrow (Proverbs 19:21).

(6) Possibility thinking—the ability to unleash your enthusiasm and hope, to find solutions for even seemingly impossible situations (Matthew 19:26). (7) Reflective thinking—the ability to revisit the past in order to think with understanding (Psalm 1:1-3).

(8) Questioning popular thinking—the ability to reject common thinking and accomplish uncommon results (Isaiah 55:8-9). (9) Shared thinking—the ability to include others who can help you think “over your head” and achieve greater results (Psalm 133:1-3).

(10) Unselfish thinking—the ability to consider others and their journey, to think with collaboration (Romans 12:10). (11) Bottom-line thinking—the ability to focus on results in order to reap the full potential of your thinking (Matthew 25:14-30).

Let’s add: Spiritual thinking. “We have the mind of Christ.” One God-given thought can change your life!