
First Presbyteri...

First Presbyterian Church of Edmond

God and Man
A Brief History of God’s Gracious Love for Humankind
This Advent, as we wait again to celebrate Jesus’ coming, we will do a brief walk through God’s Word showing his grace-filled love for us. His love is costly. His love is for every nation. His love is underserved. And His love comes to us. As we once again wait to celebrate Jesus’ coming, don’t miss the most important part—being with the family of God to hear the Gospel of grace and glory. 
December 8           The High Price of Love                 Genesis 3:20-24
December 15          Love for the Nations                   Jonah 3:6-10
December 22          Undeserving Love                      Ezra 6:19-22
December 24          Love in the Flesh                       John 1:14-16