
1 Timothy Podcast Introduction

Begins September 6

August 28, 2023 • Andy Davis • 1 Timothy

This letter written by Paul covers essential topics related to the church, including the need to be cautious of false doctrines and false teachers. It emphasizes the importance of prayer and highlights the qualifications of elders and deacons. Additionally, it discusses the significance of shepherding the family of God and provides guidance on topics such as gender roles and money.

1 Timothy Episode 7: The Eternal Danger of Loving Money

October 18, 2023 • Andy Davis • 1 Timothy 6

Paul gives a serious warning about false teachers who love money and teach false doctrine based on money, urging the need to guard one's own heart in this area.

1 Timothy Episode 6: Direction for Shepherding God’s Flock

October 11, 2023 • Andy Davis • 1 Timothy 5

Paul gives Timothy detailed instructions about the wise shepherding of the local church, especially the proper ministry to men, women, widows, and elders.

1 Timothy Episode 5: The Power of Mature Pastoral Leadership In Combating False Doctrine

October 4, 2023 • Andy Davis • 1 Timothy 4

Paul warns Timothy concerning a specific threat of false teaching that will attack the church, and how he should conduct his ministry to combat it.