
When Christ Ascended Up on High | Lesson 97


April 14, 2024 • Josh Strelecki • Ephesians 4:7–16

This sermon covers a detailed analysis of Ephesians 4:7-16, focusing on the concept of spiritual gifts given by Christ after His ascension and descent. Josh Strelecki, Pastor-Teacher delves into the meaning of Christ 'leading captivity captive' and 'giving gifts to men', drawing connections to Psalm 68 and the Old Testament events surrounding the Ark of the Covenant. The discussion explores the depth and height of Christ's work, His victory over spiritual enemies, and the implications for believers being seated with Him in heavenly places. Also stressed in this sermon, the importance of not just knowing these truths intellectually but allowing them to impact daily life and walk worthy of the calling. The overall theme revolves around understanding the measure of Christ's gift and how it relates to the spiritual gifts given to the church.

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