
Lesson 12 | Lessons from the Judges Pt. 2

Prophecy 103

October 19, 2023 • Josh Strelecki • Leviticus 25:25–55

After Israel's conquest of the land of Canaan Israel continued in their disobedience and engaged in idolatry with the gods of the land they were to destroy. Thus Israel was deserving of the curses of the law contract. The first set of curses then came upon Israel as their enemies spoiled them of their agricultural goods; hence Israel enters the time of the judges. At this time God began to show the mercy and grace of God toward Israel even when under the law as He raised up judges to deliver Israel. Also, five particular lessons are to be learned during the time of the judges and with their first king; that is, Israel will need a Redeemer, Deliverer, Avenger, King, and Blesser to be what God called her to be and do what He called her to do.

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