
Lesson 1 | This World and The World to Come

This World

February 1, 2024 • Josh Strelecki • Ephesians 1:14—2:3

Believers in Christ live between two worlds. We are seated together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus yet our members are here on the earth. We live in the world, but we are not of the world. God has granted those in Christ a twofold perspective because of this. God has translated us into the kingdom of His Son, the kingdom of light which enlightens the eyes of our understanding of the good pleasure of the Father's will and eternal purpose in Christ, and the world to come, but also from that light the clear understanding of the darkness of this world. Josh Strelecki, Pastor-Teacher introduces "This World Series" by calling our attention to this reality and laying the foundation for us to walk by faith as we live in this world patiently waiting to go to the better one.

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