
You're not the Boss of Me

November 5, 2023 • Pastor Carl • Acts 4:18–20

Many of us have said at one time, "you're not the boss of me". Usually it is towards someone whose authority we don't respect--whether it was legitimate or not. In Acts 4, Peter and John, in essence told the religious leaders "you're not the boss of us" and prioritized the commands of the Lord Jesus than the religious and cultural leaders.

Today, believing followers of Christ, experience challenges with the cultural authorities, governmental authorities, and event religious trends and the majority-based, social media influenced authority it conveys. But like Peter and John, believers today need to have a mindset of (and perhaps even say) "you're not the boss of me" and prioritize what the Lord has already said and is saying.

In this message, Pastor Carl shares how that mindset looks and how to grow into it so to be better representatives for the Lord.