

Love Your Neighbor. Change the World

The Kingdom of God

June 18, 2023 • Matt Holmes • John 18:36–37

When Jesus was on trial before the Roman governor for insurrection, he told Pilate, "My kingdom is not of this world." What did Jesus mean? Is his kingdom just a "spiritual" kingdom? Is the Kingdom of Heaven just... Heaven? Or is the Kingdom present in the here and now? Is it a genuine power in our present, an alternative to all the powers we try to use to change our world for the better? What if the Kingdom of God is the most real kingdom of them all?

Kings & Prophets

June 11, 2023 • Matt Holmes • Jeremiah 7:9–11, Micah 2:2, 1 Samuel 9:19–20, Isaiah 5:8–10, Isaiah 10:1–2

The Israelites began their history with every advantage--the grace and protection of God, a divine set of laws, a clean slate--and yet it all went horribly wrong. How did the Israelites get tempted away from God's design? What caused them to fail so utterly?

The Law of Moses

June 4, 2023 • Matt Holmes • Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

When God created the nation of Israel, he gave them a set of laws that would shape their society into a faithful community of grace. How did the Law of Moses teach the Israelites to trust God? And what were they supposed to do with the advantages they had been given?

Anxiety & Faith

May 28, 2023 • Matt Holmes • Genesis 1—11

What tools should Christians use to change the world? Culture tells us that the problem with the world is scarcity--there isn't enough to go around--and we can only fix that by taking control through the levers of power. But what if scarcity isn't the problem? What if God has given us a completely different set of tools to change the world?