
Till Death Do Us Part

March 7, 2021 • Cory Anderson

Community Group Questions

1. How can the church hold firm to Biblical convictions regarding marriage and also minister to those inside and outside the church that are divorced?

2. How can the church hold firm to the Biblical and traditional view that marriage is only between a man and a woman when our culture has redefined marriage? What challenges might we face in the future as we hold firm to our convictions?

3. What advice would you give to a couple contemplating marriage?

4. How would you counsel a friend who is having marital problems?

5. Is there a connection between Matthew 5:27-30 and Matthew 5:31-32? If so, what is it?

6. What does Paul say about marriage in 1 Corinthians 7:8-16? What is his advice to the unmarried and widowed (vv.8-9)? What is his advice to the married (vv.10-11)? What is his advice to the believer married to an unbeliever (vv.12-16)?