
How Good is Your Word?

March 14, 2021 • Cory Anderson

Community Group Questions

1. What does the Old Testament teach about making oaths (See Lev. 19:12; Deut. 23:21-23; Num. 30:2)? If an oath was made, what was expected?

2. How does Exodus 20:7 relate to the making and keeping of an oath?

3. What were the Pharisee’s doing wrong when it came to making oaths (Mt. 5:34-36; 23:16-22)?

4. What does Jesus say we should do about oaths (Mt. 5:34, 37)? What does Jesus mean in v.37?

5. What are some practical ways that we are to keep our word?

6. What are some negative outcomes of not keeping our word?

7. Does Jesus’ teaching negate the need for written contracts and agreements? How about taking an oath in court?

8. What common thread(s) can you find in the four examples Jesus has given of the law and his interpretation of it in Matthew 5:21-37?

A Look Ahead

As you look ahead to next Sunday’s message on Matthew 5:38-42 consider the following question: Does Jesus teach an absolute pacifism?