
TFTW - Philemon

Philemon - Imitating Christ

June 19, 2023 • Kendal Rasnake • Philemon 18–25

How did Paul imitate Christ regarding the debt Onesimus may have owed? What happens to social barriers when we are in Christ?

Philemon - Profitability and Providence

June 5, 2023 • Kendal Rasnake • Philemon 8–17

In what ways did Paul appeal to Philemon to receive back Onesimus? What are we changed into when we reconcile with God? How could providence have played into the story of Onesimus?

Philemon - Love in Christ

May 22, 2023 • Kendal Rasnake • Philemon 1–7

How do people know we are Christ's and that we are partakers of the faith? How does our reconciliation with God affect our treatment we are to give our fellow man?

Philemon - Changed Relationships

May 8, 2023 • Kendal Rasnake • Philemon 1

What was the background of the author Paul? How does a change in our relationship with God affect our relationships with men?