
TFTW - Synoptics

A study of the life, work, and teachings of Jesus.

01-Prophecy and Providence

January 4, 2021 • Kendal Rasnake

Prophecy in the Old Testament points time and again to someone who is coming. The events during the history of the Intertestamental Period show the Providence of God preparing things for the arrival of the Christ.

02-Birth of Jesus

January 11, 2021 • Kendal Rasnake

How did the birth of Jesus fulfill prophecies of genealogy? What other prophecies were fulfilled with the birth and childhood of Jesus? What was the purpose of the birth of Jesus as a man into the world?

03-Baptism, Temptation, and Preaching

January 18, 2021 • Kendal Rasnake

Why was Jesus baptized? What were John the Baptist and Jesus preaching? What examples did Jesus set for us during His baptism and temptation?

04-Beatitudes and the Law

January 25, 2021 • Kendal Rasnake

How do the Beatitudes in Matthew 5 tell us how to prepare ourselves for entering the kingdom? Did Christ come to destroy the Old Law? How should we view the Old Testament?

05-Marriage, Swearing, and Enemies

February 1, 2021 • Kendal Rasnake

What did Jesus teach was the only circumstance that permitted divorce? What did Jesus teach about the promises we make? What are 3 things we can do to our enemies?

06-Hypocrisies and Treasures

February 8, 2021 • Kendal Rasnake

In what ways did Jesus point out the hypocrisies of man? What are different motives we can have for doing things? What is our eye and mind focused on?

07-Judging, Asking, and Following

February 15, 2021 • Kendal Rasnake

This lesson looks at more teachings from Jesus during the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus taught about how to judge others, how to ask God for things, how to treat others, which gate to enter in, and what those who hear and do what Jesus says are like.

08-Miracles and Cost of Discipleship

February 22, 2021 • Kendal Rasnake

What did the different miracles Jesus perform show about Him? What do the different types of miracles tell us about the power of Jesus? What did Jesus say was the cost of following Him?

09-Deity and Demons

March 1, 2021 • Kendal Rasnake

How did the miracles of Jesus connect with His claim to deity? What are demons? What was the purpose of demon possession? Do we have demon possession today?

10-Laborers Together With God

March 8, 2021 • Kendal Rasnake

What roles do each member perform as we labor together with God? What was the Limited Commission and the Great Commission? What should be our attitude toward the persecution that comes to us for following Christ?

11-John the Baptizer and Receiving Jesus

March 15, 2021 • Kendal Rasnake

What did Jesus offer as evidence for being the Christ to the disciples of John? What link did Jesus make between John the Baptist and prophecy? What is Jesus inviting us to when He says "take my yoke upon you"?

12-Sabbath and Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

March 22, 2021 • Kendal Rasnake

What was the response of Jesus to the Jews who claimed He and His disciples were violating the Sabbath? Can blasphemy of the Holy Spirit be forgiven?

13-Fruit, Signs, Spirit, and Family

March 29, 2021 • Kendal Rasnake • Matthew 12

Four topics in Matthew chapter 12 are discussed: 1) Known By Your Fruit, 2) The Sign Of Jonah, 3) An Unclean Spirit And An Evil Generation, and 4) Earthly And Spiritual Family

14-Parables of the Kingdom of Heaven

April 5, 2021 • Kendal Rasnake

What are the different parables Jesus taught about the kingdom of Heaven? What lessons might we draw from studying them?

15-The Rich Fool and Being Ready

April 12, 2021 • Kendal Rasnake

Why was the rich fool foolish? How do we need to be living so that we are prepared when our end comes?