
TFTW - The Church

Learn about the building, identifying, names, organization, worship, work, and discipline of the church.

God Would Build His Church - 1

April 21, 2019 • Kendal Rasnake • Matthew 5

God said He would build His church. This lesson starts reviewing the Beatitudes from Matthew 5 as they relate to the church. What do we need to be like according to the Beatitudes?

God Would Build His Church - 2

April 28, 2019 • Kendal Rasnake • Matthew 5

God said He would build His church. This lesson continues reviewing the Beatitudes from Matthew 5 as they relate to the church. What do we need to be like according to the Beatitudes?

The Church in the Eternal Purpose of God - Part 1

August 3, 2014 • BJ Clarke

Was the church in God's plan? Did Jesus come to establish the church or did He just do so because the Jews rejected His kingdom? How many churches did God establish?

The Church in the Eternal Purpose of God - Part 2

August 10, 2014 • BJ Clarke

Was the church in God's plan? Did Jesus come to establish the church or did He just do so because the Jews rejected His kingdom? How many churches did God establish?

How to Identify God's Church - 1

May 5, 2019 • Kendal Rasnake

Some identifying marks of the church God built, so that we may compare churches to them to determine if they are genuine or counterfeit.

How to Identify God's Church - 2

May 12, 2019 • Kendal Rasnake

Some identifying marks of the church God built, so that we may compare churches to them to determine if they are genuine or counterfeit.

Church of the Bible - 1

November 10, 2014 • Herbert Moore

What is the church that is described in the Bible? Jesus said that He would build His church, but what are the characteristics of the church of the Bible? There are many "churches" with many members, but are you a member of the church of the Bible, built by Jesus?

Church of the Bible - 2

November 17, 2014 • Herbert Moore

What are the people of the church of the Bible called? How did the church of the Bible worship God? Continue with us and learn about the church described in the Bible.

Names for God's Church - 1

May 19, 2019 • Kendal Rasnake

What are the different names given to God's Church in the Bible and what are the implications of those names? This lessons looks at "The Called Out," "The Kingdom of God," and "The Body of Christ."

Names for God's Church - 2

May 26, 2019 • Kendal Rasnake

What are the different names given to God's Church in the Bible and what are the implications of those names? This lessons looks at "The Household of God," "The Temple of God," and "The Vineyard of the Lord."

Salvation is Only in God's Church

June 2, 2019 • Kendal Rasnake

Is salvation only found in the church God built?

Organization of the Church

November 29, 2015 • Kendal Rasnake

What is the way God wants the church organized? Who are to be the leaders in His church? What does the Bible say about the qualifications people need to have in order to be leaders in His church?

The Church - Organization of the Church

June 9, 2019 • Kendal Rasnake

Any organization may have people playing different roles. How is the church of Christ to be organized? Who plays what roles?

Worship of the Church - Singing

June 16, 2019 • Kendal Rasnake

What type of music do we find in the New Testament? What are the purposes of singing? Why does the Church of Christ not use mechanical, instrumental music in addition to or in place of singing for Biblical praise, teaching, or admonishing?

Worship of the Church - Praying

June 23, 2019 • Kendal Rasnake

What are the components of a prayer to God? What should be the proper attitude and action for prayer?