
Jesus as Human and Salvation

February 28, 2022 • Kendal Rasnake • 1 Timothy 2:5–6, 1 Timothy 3:16, 1 Timothy 1:15

God became human in order that we might have salvation. How was the humanity of Jesus involved in our salvation? Jesus claimed to be the Christ and the Son of God, but some did not believe. How was He vindicated? What is the example that Jesus and Paul left for us?

Jesus as the Lamb

August 19, 2024 • Kendal Rasnake • Revelation

A prominent image of Christ in Revelation is that of a lamb. What did the lamb do for us in regards to salvation? How is Jesus both a lamb and a shepherd?

Jesus as Restorer of Fellowship

September 2, 2024 • Kendal Rasnake • Philemon

How does love go both vertically and horizontally? What fellowship does one obtain after becoming a Christian? What peace can man help mediate?

The Eschatological Christ

August 15, 2022 • Kendal Rasnake • 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians

What are the two options for people at the Second Coming of the Christ? What edification did Paul give to the Thessalonians?