
All We Need Is Love

December 24, 2023 • Bonnie Abel • 1 John 4:7–19

All you need is love, all you need is love, all you need is love, love; love is all you need . Some days love doesn’t seem to be all we need. There are so many things grasping for our attention and our allegiance; how can we possibly say that only one thing - this concept of love - is all we need. Besides that, what is love anyways? Who defines it? How do we know when it’s real?

Invite a friend as we come together this Sunday to be reminded of how Jesus’ love really is all you need!

Here Comes The Son

December 24, 2023 • Andy Adams • Matthew 1:23

Here comes the sun, and I say it’s alright. Some days, it can feel like darkness is all around us. We long for just a little bit of light to break through. We just need to see a glimpse of hope, of light, piercing through the darkness to reset our hearts and our minds. This Christmas Eve, at each of our four Candlelight Services, we will remember that the light we so desperately long for is with us, as Jesus’ birth marked light entering the world. But what does it mean for God to be with us? How do we find that light we all long for? Invite a friend as we come together for a Christmas Eve Candlelight Service to celebrate how Jesus, the light of the world, is with us.

Nowhere Man

December 17, 2023 • Andy Adams • Luke 1:5–33

He’s a real nowhere man, sitting in his nowhere land, making all his nowhere plans for nobody.  Does that feel familiar? Many of us walk through the chaos of everyday life, bouncing from activity to activity, and we just don’t see the purpose. We don’t see our purpose. What’s it all for? How can we stop living like a nowhere man and find purposeful joy in life? Invite a friend as we come together this Sunday to be reminded how Jesus’ birth invites us to a purpose-filled life.


December 10, 2023 • Andy Adams • John 16:32–33

You say you want a revolution. Well, you know we all want to change the world. It seems like the world is full of anger, bitterness and despair. People appear to be more focused on fixing their own problems no matter how that affects anyone else. But what would it look like to start a revolution of peace this world so desperately needs? The peace Jesus gives. What would it take to be peace makers in this world as we follow the Prince of Peace? How can we start a peace revolution? Invite a friend as we come together this Sunday to be reminded how Jesus’ birth ushered in a revolution - the gospel of peace.