
See. Pray. Go! // Part Four

Defining A Powerful Outreach Movement

November 18, 2017 • G. Steven Simons

The original congregation of believers in Jerusalem spread the Good News of Messiah with an unstoppable force of power! Thousands came to belief and all of Jerusalem was filled with their teaching. How does this happen and can it happen again in our day? This video endeavors to answer these questions and provide encouragement to those who are serious about obeying the Great Commandment of Yeshua!

See. Pray. Go! // Part One

October 28, 2017 • G. Steven Simons

This video reveals a powerful soul-winning strategy used by Yeshua who saw the masses and was moved with compassion for them. Then He called His disciples to pray for workers to be sent out and He gave them power to be successful. Then the ones who prayed were the ones that were sent! SEE. PRAY. GO! This strategy turned the then known world upside down. It worked then, and it will work just as well today! Discover how this theme runs throughout the Bible and how you can be empowered and used, to share the Good News of Yeshua Messiah to those who are in your world.

See. Pray. Go! // Part Two

November 4, 2017 • G. Steven Simons

As a believer, our family is our first ministry. In this video, we reveal what the Bible says about household salvation and provide encouragement to those whose loved ones have yet to come to belief in Yeshua and Torah. This is an important and very encouraging teaching!

See. Pray. Go! // Part Three

November 11, 2017 • G. Steven Simons

In the book of Acts we see the congregation of belief in Jerusalem engaged in powerful and successful outreach. Thousands were coming to belief and signs and wonders were being done in the Name of Yeshua Messiah. What was the fuel behind these extraordinary events? Is there one activity that these powerful events had in common? What did the early believers do to walk in such power and success? In this video we reveal the secret!