
Counting The Omer // Part One

April 22, 2017 • G. Steven Simons

Are the waters of your life BITTER? In this video, we reveal how Yeshua can make bitter water sweet!

YAH command his people to count the days between First Fruits (Yom HaBikkurim) and Shavu'ot (Pentecost). That period of fifty days encompasses the period from the Reed (Red) Sea crossing to Israel's encounter with Elohim at the foot of Mt Sinai. We learn valuable lessons through the experiences of Israel during this period as we count the days to Shavu'ot.

In Exodus 16, Israel was without water. They came to a place called Marrah where there was undrinkable, bitter water. YAH showed Moses a tree. When Moses threw the tree into the bitter water, it became sweet. The tree represents Yeshua's redemptive death on the tree and the benefits that have been provided through HIM.

If you want to know Yeshua deeply and profoundly, watch this video