
Seven Sabbaths: A Detailed Look At The Feast Of Weeks

April 30, 2022 • G. Steven Simons

In part one of Seven Sabbaths, G. Steven Simons takes a detailed look at the biblical Feast Of Weeks and reveals powerful truths concerning the plan of YAH to radically transform believers in Yeshua and provide them with all they need to be successful at bringing in the great worldwide harvest. In part one, Simons discussed three prophecies of Scripture that reveal YAH's remarkable plan and lay the foundation for the other teachings in this series.

Seven Sabbaths - Part Two

May 7, 2022 • G. Steven Simons

In part two of "Seven Sabbaths," G. Steven Simons explains how it has always been YAH's plan to shine the light of Torah on the nations. Original Yisra'el failed at shining that light, but Yeshua came to be the light of the world and to make it possible for His taught ones to exemplify and proclaim belief obedience to all the nations.

Seven Sabbaths - Part Three

G. Steven Simons

In part three of "Seven Sabbaths," G. Steven Simons discusses the most powerful, transformational, life altering promise YAH ever made to believers in Yeshua. This "promise" changes everything and is the key to success in covenant obedience and in the mission Yeshua has charged His followers to accomplish. This amazing revelation in the Word has the ability to revolutionize your life and your potential for the reign of Elohim!

Seven Sabbaths - Part Four

May 21, 2022 • G. Steven Simons

Scripture is clear that Yeshua was born of the spirit of YAH, filled with the spirit of YAH, led by the Spirit of YAH, and empowered by the spirit of YAH. In this video, G. Steven Simons emphasizes Yeshua’s complete reliance upon YAH’s spirit and reveals to the believer seven steps to a life empowered by YAH.