
Why Multiply?

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Brian Erickson

We are praying continually for God’s discernment and blessings on our attempt to advance his Kingdom on earth. What started out as a leaking pipe had turned into a major renovation. Were we to spend over a million dollars just to fix an issue and leave our building and future more or less the same, or would we look to God to use this opportunity to build anew and reach more for Christ? We are asking our members for a pledge of financial support to help make this vision a reality. We are praying for support so that we might build a new and bigger contemporary worship space, a larger more inviting entryway into our house of worship, and a expanded children’s facility to disciple our kids. Trinity is currently busting at the seams with members and these upgrades are much needed so that we might not turn people away for lack of room (which we have sadly had to do many times in the recent past!).

Again, we pray for your support and we are excited to see you inside the walls of Trinity, worshiping God and advancing his Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven!

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March 18, 2018

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March 18, 2018 • Brian Erickson

Rev. Brian Erickson writes a letter to the congregation at Trinity UMC 90 years from today.

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March 18, 2018 • Amy DeWitte

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