
We Invite You to Commitment Sunday!

This Sunday at Trinity UMC

Brian Erickson

This Sunday will be 90 years to the day that Trinity first opened up its Homewood worship space on March 18, 1928. It's now the office area and Sunday School classrooms because generations of visionary Christians understood the need for growth and built Wesley Hall in the 1940s and then the current traditional space in the 1970s. We believe it is time to once again look to the future and expand so that we may invite as many of our friends and neighbors into a new and transformative relationship with their Lord Jesus Christ. What we're doing is Kingdom work--expanding the Kingdom of God as it breaks into the Earth. We are disciples of the one true God, and it is our joy and duty to invite others into God's loving embrace. Will you join us?

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TWH - Every Broken Piece A Blessing

March 18, 2018

How will you share in the miracle?

Traditional - Every Broken Piece a Blessing

March 18, 2018 • Brian Erickson

Rev. Brian Erickson writes a letter to the congregation at Trinity UMC 90 years from today.

Contact - Every Broken Piece a Blessing

March 18, 2018 • Amy DeWitte

The real miracle is not that Jesus fed a bunch of people with a little bit of bread that day. The real miracle is that Jesus offers the Bread of Life and when everyone is satisfied, there are still baskets full of grace.