
Traditional - For Real, Y'all?

Jesus and Money

Brian Erickson

Jesus speaks on money quite a bit in the New Testament. Why is that? What is it about money that is so important?

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TWH - Every Broken Piece A Blessing

March 18, 2018

How will you share in the miracle?

Traditional - Every Broken Piece a Blessing

March 18, 2018 • Brian Erickson

Rev. Brian Erickson writes a letter to the congregation at Trinity UMC 90 years from today.

Contact - Every Broken Piece a Blessing

March 18, 2018 • Amy DeWitte

The real miracle is not that Jesus fed a bunch of people with a little bit of bread that day. The real miracle is that Jesus offers the Bread of Life and when everyone is satisfied, there are still baskets full of grace.