
How Lovely are Thy Dwellings Fair

Eric H. Thiman (1900-75)

May 7, 2023 • TRC Youth Choir

Text: Paraphrase of Psalm 84 by John Milton (1608-74) 

How lovely are Thy dwellings fair, 

O Lord of Hosts, how dear 

Thy pleasant tabernacles are, 

Where Thou dost dwell so near. 

My soul doth long and almost die, 

Thy courts, O Lord to see: 

My heart and flesh aloud do cry, 

O living God, for Thee. 

Happy who in Thy house reside, 

Where Thee they ever praise! 

Happy whose strength in Thee doth bide, 

And in their hearts Thy ways! 

They journey on from strength to strength, 

With joy and gladsome cheer, 

Till all before our God 

At length in Zion do appear. 

For God the Lord, both sun and shield 

Gives grace and glory bright; 

No good from them shall be withheld 

Whose ways are just and right. 
