
Church in the Wild: Full of it?

How can you empty yourself to have more of God?

November 4, 2018 • Jim Critcher

Guest speaker and TNLC Elder Jim Critcher, senior associate pastor of Grace Covenant in Virginia, shares with us how we can prepare our lives to have more of God, more of the Holy Spirit, and more of the kingdom in our lives. Check it out!

Want to dive in deeper with us on Monday in our Beyond Sunday podcast? Join the conversation by asking your questions: podcast@trinitynewlife.com

Church in the Wild: Resurrection Reaction

November 18, 2018 • Pastor Clayton Bell

Do you belong to Christ? Have you repented? Not believe in God, not attend a church. Handed over control of your life, turned FROM an turned TO God. Want to dive in deeper with us on Monday in our Beyond Sunday podcast? Join the conversation by asking your questions: http://podcast@trinitynewlife.com

An Encouraged Church

November 11, 2018 • Pastor Clayton Bell

We should foster an eager desire for the things of the spirit to BE http://encouraged....and TO ENCOURAGE. Want to dive in deeper with us on Monday in our Beyond Sunday podcast? Join the conversation by asking your questions: http://podcast@trinitynewlife.com

Church in the Wild: Rich and Poor

October 28, 2018 • Pastor Clayton Bell

Examine yourself. Do you hold to an US vs. THEM in your heart when it comes to people in the church? It's time to come into church and commune together and not just consume for our own sakes. Want to dive in deeper with us on Monday in our Beyond Sunday podcast? Join the conversation by asking your questions: http://podcast@trinitynewlife.com