
Faith for Exiles: Sync or Stand, 1

Does your words line up with the scriptures or the culture?

October 4, 2020 • Pastor Clayton Bell

Are we using biblical terms, but expressing them in cultural behavior instead of biblical behavior? What does it mean to have a biblical view of justice?

Here's week three of "Faith for Exile" sermon series with Pastor Clayton!

Faith for Exiles: Keep The Faith

November 1, 2020 • Pastor Clayton Bell

Are we intentional or reactionary in growing our faith while in Exile? Here's our last week of "Faith For Exiles" sermon series with Pastor Clayton.

Faith for Exiles: The Secret Sermon

October 25, 2020 • Pastor Clayton Bell

What does it do to our witness if we are spreading both the Truth of Christ and the lies of culture? Here's week six of "Faith For Exiles" sermon series with Pastor Clayton.

Faith for Exiles: Seek the Piece

October 18, 2020 • Pastor Clayton Bell

When the people of God existing in the city of a culture that sometimes tolerates them and at many times hostile to them, what do you think God's instructions are? To leave? run away? or burn it down? Here's week five of "Faith For Exiles" sermon series with Pastor Clayton.