
Engaging Culture

Sermons addressing issues in culture

Faith For Exiles

How do we live for Jesus in a hostile world?

Kingdom Come: Kingdom People

Ephesians 2:12-3:13

The Message: Us and Them

What happens when we suppress the truth?

Shuffle: Hulking Out

You wouldn't like me when I'm angry...

How To Be The Smartest Person In The Room: Hard Work and the Poor

The close of our journey through Proverbs

Messy: Super PAC

How do we use our vote to build the kingdom in the middle of the empire?

The Message: Road to Restoration

What's the path we all find ourselves on without God?

Belief: The People of God

What's missing from the lives of too many people?

Messy: Seek The Peace

How do we live as Christians and not just citizens?

Messy: Render Unto Caesar

How do we wade through the political mess around us and remain faithful to Christ?

Messy- Big Government

What do we need more of in politics?

Viral: Allegiance and Actions

Are we carefully choosing the path we walk down?