
Week 6 :: Triumphal Entry

Day Thirty-Nine :: John 12:22-26

March 27, 2021

Conversation Starter

Describe a time you made a sacrifice to help someone else? How did you feel?

Think of a time someone sacrificed to help you? How did you respond to that person?

For older kids, have fun with math. If a kernel of wheat produces a head of 50 kernels, which are then planted and each produce a head of 50 kernels, how many kernels of wheat could be harvested after the second planting?

Week 7 :: Sign #7 :: Raising Lazarus

April 4, 2021

Week 7 :: Locked in Fear

April 3, 2021

Conversation Starter How has fear kept you from doing something you know you needed to do? What (through prayer) is something you sense God is calling you to do, in spite of how scary it might be?

Week 7 :: Presence in Pain

April 2, 2021

Conversation Starter How can you comfort others that God has placed in your life? What painful experiences have you had that you’ve seen God redeem through the ability to comfort others?