
Who is Jesus? - Part 2

February 5, 2023 • Winston Parrish • Matthew 7:21–23, John 1:19–34, John 1:27, John 14:3, Luke 12:37

Understand that since Jesus came, He has been on a journey of perpetual movement! He is not stagnant, He is not dormant, He is not deaf, mute or ignorant to the World and its condition. He is still on the move!

The truth is every single soul must answer for the fact that Jesus came, but also with either great fear and trembling or with great joy and anticipation, everyone will answer to the fact that He is coming again!

John 14:3

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

See Him as the one who came! But know Him as the one who is coming again! 

Jesus’ departure was for our advantage as believers! He went away to prepare a heavenly home for us and He will return to take us for one purpose in mind! He reveled the why He would come! So that we that believe might be with Him!

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