
A Season Of Redirection

Genesis 12:1-9

January 3, 2021 • Jeff Lyle

It has been said that God is good…but He is not safe. What does this mean? the Bible portrays God as being perfect in wisdom, motivation and action. All He does is holy and good. We are to rest and trust in His flawless character. However, we should never interpret His goodness as being obligated to create for us here a life of ease, empty of risk. God calls all of His children to a journey of faith which removes the notion that we are ever in full control. Gods stretches us, bends us and breaks us. He does this in order to create within us a heart and life that is fully dependent upon Him so that all of the glory ends up with Him. Because of this, we should not ever assume that the life of faith in him is going to be easy. Abram was 75 years old when he began to learn these truths. God called an old man to uproot from all his comforts and familiarities to enter into a season of redirection. God is doing the same thing with many of you in this season. Learn from how God and Abram interact as they partner together in a covenant that would change the course of human history forever.