
Our Motives & Our Methods

Matthew 6:1-8

July 17, 2019 • Jeff Lyle

Have you taken time lately to think about that appointment we all have in the presence of King Jesus? Yes, all Christians are scheduled to stand before Him to receive a full evaluation of our lives as Christians. It is at this appointment that Jesus will assign a value and reward for how we lived for Him and what we did with what He entrusted to us. No matter who we are, what gifts and opportunities we were given or where we were born, Scripture declares that Jesus intends to reward us all according to our faithfulness to Him. This part of His message on the hillside calls us to think more thoroughly about how we are living - all the way down to the molecular level of our motives for worshiping, obeying and serving Him. Jesus calls people out of the form of religion and into the fullness of love and devotion.