
MANHOOD: Strength & Humility

2 Samuel 1:1-2:11

January 8, 2020 • Jeff Lyle

Very few people in the Bible captivate us as powerfully as David. His story is one of an underdog who became an overcomer. His stunning heart for God is not so spiritual that we are kept ignorant of his raw passions and public failures. In the end, David's story offers us much about what it means to be a man of faith. Our culture is confused about the issue of masculinity. The Church does not seem to always offer clarity about being male and living as a son of God. This season in David's life offers us a platform for growth in seeing both masculine strength and humility as part of what it means to be a man who follows Jesus. May God impact our hearts and minds to reframe what we believe masculinity truly is. It is not toxic to be fully, unashamedly male. It is nothing to apologize for. What every man needs is a touch from God that imparts him the identity which God has reserved for him.