
Smells Like Kingdom In Here

Philippians 1:3-11

January 16, 2019 • Jeff Lyle

Few places in scripture reveal the father-heart of the Apostle Paul more so than the verses in this passage in Philippians. Though Paul could operate in some of the most stunning power from the Holy Spirit, he also understood the importance of nurturing those whom he spiritually fathered. From his words in Philippians 1:3-11, we learn the deep value of intentionally encouraging others in the walks with God. Paul tells the Philippians that they brought him joy. He let them know that he was praying for them. He reinforced that their hope in Jesus must remain strong as they look for deep growth in the love of God toward each other. Before he finishes his empowering words here, Paul reminds them all that the return of Jesus must remain at the forefront of their thinking. The aroma Paul releases in this encouraging passage is the fragrance of the Kingdom. May we all breathe it in deeply.