
The Day Jesus Talked About Sex

Matthew 5:27-30

June 9, 2019 • Jeff Lyle

Most of us would be surprised to do a survey of the Bible with our goal to be to discern what is written therein about human sexuality. Scripture is filled with references about sex. These references include the beauty of marital intimacy, the prohibition from God of sex outside of marriage, and the consequences that arise when we lean to our own understanding concerning sexuality. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus called His audience to develop and guard a holy attitude about sexual desire. There is one God-blessed outlet for human sexuality, and there are countless other outlets that people, even Christians, choose which lead to heartbreak, sin and personal loss. What did the Son of God have to say about sex? In the current generation that has much to say about sexuality, we need to listen carefully to Jesus and let His voice be the one which guides us.