
The God Of Your Battles

Psalm 18:30-50

October 23, 2019 • Jeff Lyle

The life of a believer is described in countless ways throughout the bible. One of the metaphors that is repeatedly used all throughout Scripture is the picture of life being a battle. Yes, all believers are living out their days on a battlefield. While there are innumerable forces that actively oppose us, God has declared us to be victorious overcomers in the midst of it all. King David’s life is, perhaps, one of the clearest examples of how we must prepare for war, look to God for wisdom and strength, fight bravely as we rely upon Him, and endure all hostility and opposition until victory is secured. David was a perpetual warrior. We are also to consider ourselves to be the same. In this message, we hear the words of David as He reveals so much of what he was taught by God throughout the years of endless battles with military foes, individuals who wrongly resisted him and even painful opposition from those whom he loved. In the end, David learned something that we also must learn: our Heavenly Father is faithful to prove Himself to be the God of our battles.

When God Says No

February 26, 2020 • Jeff Lyle

The Apostle Paul once wrote that “All the promises of god are Yes & Amen in Jesus.” (2 Cor. 1:20). Yet it is undeniable that sometimes God seems to look us straight in the eye and tell us, “No, my child.” The challenge for us is discerning what the difference is between our desires and God’s promises. This message from King David’s life walks us through what it is like to receive a flat denial from God. David asked for something that made sense. It was spiritual. He wanted to honor the Lord by doing something for Him…and God told David NO. Can we embrace God’s No’s in faith? Will we praise him when He denies us? Have we matured to celebrate His wisdom when He declines the thing we desire? David’s life helps us to see how God saying No is sometimes the gateway to greatness and glory.

Dancing King

January 29, 2020 • Jeff Lyle

As David moved forward in leading Israel as their king, he discerned it was time to bring the ark of the covenant back to Jerusalem. For decades it had been sitting in places where it was no longer an instrument in the national worship of the God of Israel. After seeking to move the ark without consulting God, disaster struck, and a man named Uzza was killed for putting his hand on the holy ark. David referenced the Law and learned how to properly transport the ark. In this message, we see the unbridled joy of David as he dances in the presence of God. We also see the nasty heart of someone who despised his public displays of worship. This message calls us to unapologetic displays of enthusiastic worship of God, while also warning us about the dangers of judging those who engage their spirit, emotions and bodies as they magnify the God who loves and leads them.

The Harvest From The Waiting Season

January 15, 2020 • Jeff Lyle

You have likely never met a person that can honestly say that they delight in waiting. While it is true that, as we mature, we learn to patiently wait, nobody truly enjoys waiting for something they desire. We have an impulse in our soul that prefers to immediately receive what we long for. Part of becoming a deep follower of Jesus is learning how to cooperate with His practice of making us wait. King David’s life was marked by long, deep and sometimes painful years of waiting on God to bring to pass His plan for David’s life. In this message, we witness David’s breakthrough that was two decades in the making. That’s right: David waited twenty years for one day. Yet, when that particular day finally found David, he was so glad to reap the harvest of all those years of patiently waiting upon the Lord. We should expect the same in our own lives. Are you and I willing to wait as long as God determines for Him to bring to pass His plans for us?