
Teach Us To Pray

Matthew 6:9-15

July 24, 2019 • Jeff Lyle

The most famous teaching on prayer found in the Bible was actually part of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. Though Matthew does not disclose this detail, Luke 11:1 lets us know that Jesus released this teaching on prayer in response to some disciples' request to be taught how to prayer. Often called The Lord's Prayer, this simple teaching from the King helps us to grasp the heart of how Jesus desires for us to communicate in prayer with God. While there is not necessarily anything wrong with memorizing and repeating this prayer, Jesus was not teaching us to only pray these words. This prayer offers us a healthy heart-posture for our own prayers, which enables all the words we pray to God to become fruitful, honorable and powerful. Let's learn how to pray all over again by taking an in-depth look at Jesus recommended approach to dialogue with the Father.