
The God Of Invitation

Isaiah 55

December 6, 2020 • Jeff Lyle

We all have a tendency to drift from God. If we are not proactive in our pressing in to God for intimacy, wisdom and encounter, then our natural movement is actually away from Him. The world system can pull us away. Our flesh opposes His will. Then there is the added factor of the enemy’s work against our souls that never ceases. Yes, it is sad but true that we tend to drift. But do not fear! God himself is always pursuing us. He calls out to us. He shepherds us and keeps us from wandering too far off. This message highlights God’s constant ministry of invitation. He loves to remind us of all the goodness that He has for His children. He reminds us that He does not think nor act like a mere human, and that His grace and compassion are immeasurably grand toward us. Listen for His voice calling out to you, inviting you to no longer drift. Answer His repeated to call to come…come…come home to Him.