
Building Up Through Blessing Others

2 Kings 4:8-17

October 15, 2017 • Jeff Lyle

A treasure in God’s Kingdom is to be ushered into the amazing cycle of blessing and being blessed. What does this mean? When we release, God ensures that we will receive. God declares it in the Old Testament. Jesus promises it in the Gospels. The Apostles teach it in their New Testament letters. Yet, many believers struggle to embrace the clear reality that God enriches them when they live a life of pouring into the Kingdom. There is a woman in Elisha’s life who made it her mission to bless God’s prophet. What she received on the back-end of the relationship was far more than she ever invested. As we release what God has entrusted to us back into the Kingdom, we should all expect some similar outcome in our own lives. The old adage is still true: we cannot out-give God.

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