
What Backsliding Looks Like

1 Samuel 27

December 4, 2019 • Jeff Lyle

God declared David to be a man that had a heart like His own. David is famous for being the man after God's own heart. What an amazing description given to David by his God. Yet, we must never forget that the man after God's own heart was still a man. David, like all of us, possessed a sinful nature. This heroic man committed some very famous sins during his life and marred his testimony with some fleshly actions. Not as famous was the period of time where David spent living in fear and manipulation as he sought to preserve his life from King Saul. This message focuses on a sixteen-month season when David was operating according to his own wisdom and placed the lives of all who were following him in great peril. Motivated by fear, David compromised his commitment to live by faith and began living in a way that was mired in falsehood. God loved David too much to allow him to prosper in this season of backslidings, so we see Him go after this son who was feeling right while he was living wrong.