
The Power To Transform Your Environment

2 Kings 2:19-22; 4:38-41; 6:1-7

October 4, 2017 • Jeff Lyle

When modern Christians hear the word miracle, we almost exclusively think of healings in the physical body. While physical healing is certainly a type of miracle which God works today, the term miracles is not limited to these types of things. In this message, we intersect with three miracles performed by the prophet Elisha which are centered in the transformation of the natures of three elements: water, plants and iron. It may not sound too inviting, but what surrounds these miracles, and what results from them, leave the listener with a volume of help for his or her own life. The bottom line is that we must increase in our confidence that some things that are impossible according to natural means can be transformed in a moment by the power of God.

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