
Putting Down Your Gavel

Matthew 7:1-5

August 14, 2019 • Jeff Lyle

As we enter into the final chapter of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, we encounter one of the clearest commands in all of this most famous message from the King. The command comes in the form of a correction. Jesus calls all of His followers to put down their gavels and cease from operating as verdict delivering judges against the lives of other people. The critical spirit is not imparted to us by the Holy Spirit. While Christians are called to declare the biblical truths concerning how God expects us all to live, there is a way that some believers operate which is nothing more than heartless judgmentalism. In this message, Jesus gives us both wisdom and warnings about our potential to live in this manner. Ultimately, Scripture reveals that there is only one final Judge. That judge is not me, nor is it you. We are set free through the words of Jesus to exit the lifestyle of evaluating, indicting, critiquing others. We are invited to love them in Spirit and in Truth.