
Dying Like Jesus

Isaiah 53:6-12

November 15, 2020 • Jeff Lyle

Most of us in America heard from an early age the story of Jesus dying on the cross. If we are honest, most of us also struggled on some level to understand exactly what that had to do with us. 750 years before Jesus actually died on the cross, a prophecy was released by Isaiah that explained so much of what Jesus would accomplish for us when he died there on Mount Calvary outside of Jerusalem. This message reveals some of the immeasurable treasure provided for us through Jesus’ sacrificial death. Beyond that, we can also learn how we can follow in His footsteps as we personally encounter rejection, injustice and affliction during our own lives. To live like Jesus also involves us learning how to die like Jesus. What does that activity look like in our modern-day lives, and how do we cooperate with it?