
The Anatomy Of A Calling

September 24, 2017 • Jeff Lyle

In one sense, all Christians are ministers. We are all called by a King, into a Kingdom where we are assigned our own purpose to fulfill. Some believers are called to do this at an elevated expectation and commitment with their entire lives. These people walk away from every previous purpose and commit themselves wholly to serve God with all that they are and all that they have. They leave hometowns, they resign from their jobs, they often reduce their standard of living and embrace a life of shoe-leather faith. Elisha was an unknown commodity to his generation. Then, out of nowhere, God put his mark on this man, and called him to leave everything to become the next prophet in Israel. This message breaks down what a calling can look like and helps all of us, as children of God, to reacquaint ourselves with the non-negotiable fundamentals of living out our own callings in the Kingdom.

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An Anointing That Outlives You

December 3, 2017 • Jeff Lyle

Our curtain will fall one day. The Scripture is clear that each of us has an appointment with death. Amazingly, what we do with our lives here on earth determines our capacity to experience the fulness of living in the coming Kingdom. As we study the last chapter of Elisha’s life, we discover that he possessed such an anointing that, even when he was dead and buried, his power was still making a difference. This message calls on us to intensify our commitments in the Kingdom while we are still alive. We too can posses an anointing that actually outlives us here on earth.

Wisdom To Write The Next Chapter

November 19, 2017 • Jeff Lyle

Wise men and women must eventually confess that they are approaching the end of their season of influence. We cannot stay at the top of our game forever, and the generation coming behind us needs a new crop of influencers. Elisha was sensing this very thing, so he employed the wisdom to help write the next chapter for the nation of Israel. This message unpacks the great need of new leaders and servants in every generation. Watch how Elisha approaches this, even investing in an unnamed servant to get some of the most important assignments in Elisha’s ministry completed. Who is coming behind you? Have you found one or two to invest in so that your influence outlives you?

Radical Faith, Undeniable Reward

November 12, 2017 • Jeff Lyle

There is a mythological view of Christianity that goes something like this: you ask Jesus into your heart, He forgives all your sins, He makes your problems go away, He immunizes you from pain, sorrow and loss, He blesses you indiscriminately with all sorts of goodies, and then you go to Heaven when you die. Because so many people have their expectations aligned with this fairy-tale version of Christianity, they stumble when reality pounces upon them. Our faith requires long-distance, all-terrain, faith. This message takes us back to familiar person in the life of Elisha and shows, once again, how she models for us what it means to walk radically with God through challenges and into breakthrough.