
Our Amens Are Not Enough

Various Scriptures

August 13, 2017 • Jeff Lyle

As the Church in America longs for and prays for true Revival and breakthrough, the Father is placing His finger on an issue that must first be resolved before the next great move awakens: the giant of racism must be slain in the Church. While overt racism is no longer as prevalent as it once was in the Church, the division, injustice, hostility and indifference between white Christians and black Christians is a severe hindrance to revival. Jesus prayed that we would all be one with each other. Until racial divisions are replaced by unified love, our breakthrough cannot and will not come. This message tells us that we can no longer simply say ‘Amen!’ to these thoughts. It is time for action concerning race relations in the Church.

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Getting Real about Our Attitudes

September 17, 2017 • Jeff Lyle

Zeal is an undervalued commodity in the Kingdom. Education is great. Experience is essential. Wisdom is a non-negotiable. Yet those three things could be found sitting in neutral if we do not possess Kingdom-zeal. When passion is added to precision, some wonderful things can happen. Having said that, zeal does not come without its own pitfalls. In this message, we see what happens when some of the disciples had more zeal than they had love. Their zeal also outran their call to unity. See how Jesus responds to His followers when they were very close to committing transgression, all because of their zeal outweighing their humility.

Admitting When You Are Wrong

September 13, 2017 • Jeff Lyle

Relationships are precious in the Kingdom…and often fragile. The Apostle Paul was a man of God like no other. Many forget that he was initially an outcast in the church because of his past. A man named Barnabas put his neck on the line for Paul and they became friends and ministry partners. But then things went south in a moment of disagreement. This message takes us through Paul’s journey with Barnabas and helps us all learn how to admit it when we have made mistakes in our relationships with others. Broken fellowship with other believers is no small matter. Observe how Paul chose humility over pride.

Unity: Good Enough To Sing About

September 10, 2017 • Jeff Lyle

People like songs about love, about victory, about heartbreak and about breakthrough. We write and sing of those things about which we are most passionate. Interestingly, there is a very short song in our bible that is all about the topic of…unity. Really? Unity? Yes, the Holy Spirit inspired a song to be written about the powerful blessing which God’s children experience when they do life together in unity. Most people do not know that there is an elevated blessing which only finds those who walk in unity with their spiritual brothers & sisters. Apart from this unity, this blessing on the rest of the Christian’s life will be smothered. If unity is important enough for God to write a song about it, then it must be good enough for us to sing about it. This message is not actually put to music, but it needs to become music to our ears as the Church advances together for the Gospel.