
Cultivating Authentic Community

John 17

March 30, 2014 • Jeff Lyle

Believers are called and empowered to live a life of shared community and oneness. If you believe Jesus always received what He prayed for, then this message holds great significance for you. Hours before His betrayal and crucifixion, Jesus offered up what is often called “His High Priestly Prayer”, where He prayed for His disciples…and also for you. What did He desire from the Father? That all who follow Him would be one with each other. God does not save us to be lone rangers, mavericks, spiritual slalom skiers. He saves us from our sin, from our doom, to Himself…and unto one another. Jesus put it near the top of His prayer list while on earth and we get to learn how close to the top of our own it rests.

Love, Tell, Help Nations

June 8, 2014 • Jeff Lyle

Getting the gospel of Jesus Christ out to other people groups is part of the mission of the Church. After our conversion we begin to minister to those in our peer group, our family and our community. This message takes a panoramic look at why engaging in missions is essential to the history and future of the Church.

When Policy Undercuts Purpose

June 1, 2014 • Jeff Lyle

One day, Jesus Christ caused a scene in a synagogue, threw the order of service out the window, never finished his sermon and set a woman free from nearly two decades of spiritual and physical slavery. Sounds exciting, but the people in charge had a fit about it and the interaction between them and Jesus reveals that the Son of God did not come to earth to preserve religious preferences. Jesus came to transform people. This message gives you the opportunity to discover whether his or her own personal policies are undercutting the purposes of God in our generation.

Reaching the Elite

May 25, 2014 • Jeff Lyle

In 1990, billionaire Ted Turner received the Humanist of the Year Award from a group of atheists. The primary reason was because he had commented earlier that year to a group of reporters that “Christianity is a religion for losers.” We may be tempted to believe that the educated, successful wealthy people around us are not interested in spiritual truth. What is the Church of Jesus Christ doing to reach the elite?