
Divine Expectations

John 17:18-26

July 30, 2023 • Jeff Lyle • John 17:18–26

Did you know that God has desires that go unfulfilled? While God rules the cosmos in sovereign authority and total dominion, He does not force all of His desires to come to fruition. God desires for all to be saved, but they are not. God desires all Christians to live Spirit-filled lives, but they do not. God desires all churches to glorify Him and advance the Kingdom, but they do not. So then, where can we learn ore about what God desires for individual Christians and for the churches they form? In John 17, Jesus Christ offers a prayer to the Father that reveals four essential components of what it means to be a people who live in a commitment to fulfill the desires of God. Any Christian can do these things. So can every local church. We are being offered an opportunity to rise to the divine expectation contained in Jesus prayer to the Father.