
Jesus & The Fake News Church

Revelation 3:1-6

October 30, 2024 • Jeff Lyle • Revelation 3:1–6

In our present generation, it seems that the desire to be “an influencer” is permeating every sector of our culture. Personalities, products, and perceptions fill our social media feeds. So much of what is being communicated is empty and even deceptive. Sadly, much of what we are being exposed to falls into the category of fake-news. Even more sadly, churches and ministries are sometimes a part of the problem. The ancient church of Sardis received a personal wake-up letter from King Jesus which exposed the reality that they were a dead church even though everyone thought that they were amazing. Jesus does not mince words in His rebuke of their empty life as a congregation. What can modern Christians and churches use from His words so that we do not fall into the same pit of having a name with others of being spiritually alive while Jesus shakes His head and declares that we are actually dead?