
Believing Forward

Luke 9:18-25

January 24, 2021 • Jeff Lyle

Everyone has an opinion about who Jesus is. Most of those opinions are wrong, simply because they are incomplete. Sadly, even the modern Church is releasing incomplete, insufficient messages about who Jesus Christ is and what is required of us to be called one of His followers. In this message, we find a scene where Jesus probes us to help us come to terms with what we truly believe about Him. In the process, Jesus states with clarity what He has designed for all who would be called by His name as Christians. The Church must recapture the heart of what the Lord says in these verses. If we do not present Jesus as He presented Himself, then we must soberly consider that countless people have believed an incomplete, insufficient version of who He truly is. There is great reward in knowing Him. There is immense consequence for believing that He is something other than what He presented.