
The Highest Title Of Jesus

Philippians 2:9-11

February 13, 2019 • Jeff Lyle

Scripture reveals no fewer than 150 different references and titles for Jesus. All of these were placed purposefully in the Bible to help convey the immeasurable identity of God the Son. Most of us were introduced to Him as being the Savior of Sinners. We were taught that we must personally accept Him into our hearts so that our sins will be forgiven and Heaven can become our etenral destination. While it is true that forgiven sinners will arrive in paradise after they die, many of us may be surprised that Jesus is only referred to as Savior 15 times, while He is called Lord over 600 times. The issue of the lordship of Jesus Christ is crucial for all of us. Scripture overwhelmingly presents Jesus as the LORD who saves, not a Savior who offers a bonus-level of discipleship to those who want to know Him as Lord of all. This message takes us through multiple passages which reinforce that Jesus Christ came as Lord of all, calls us to bow to Him as Lord of all, frames the Gospel message with Him being Lord of all and will be acknowledged for all eternity as Lord of all. The Church must get this vital doctrine right.